Saturday, October 23, 2021

Every five days...

EBM with a link to a new pinnacle of stupid, some very interesting science, and in the "Any color you want as long as it's white" department...

My two  chores for today are to check the water in my batteries and to make some water. To be honest I don't enjoy checking the water level in my batteries because they seldom need any water so, on the face of it, it seems kind of pointless. Then again on the other hand batteries are a big investment and it is prudent to check them on a regular basis.

On the other hand, making water is actually enjoyable because I get to read while sitting in the cockpit and that suits me just fine. The only real work involved is moving the product water hose from one jerry can to the next which gives me mostly uninterrupted reading in fifteen minute segments. An added bit of enjoyment is that I still take great satisfaction in how well the super simple watermaker using a cheap $100 pressure washer has worked making water every five days without problems for the last four years. 

Better yet it's a nice day and I have some reading to do.

Listening to another literary play list

So it goes...