A dubious achievement of note, politicizing science, and in the "FEMA tarp blues" department...
A long time ago, I thought that a great part of the appeal of sailing off into the sunset was that one could leave the sordid world of politics, greed obsessed economics, and folks inclined to force their religious views and suchlike behind.
I might also add that, a long time ago, I was considerably more stupid than I am today. Albeit, I am often reminded that I'm still a few sandwiches short of being a picnic.
Truth be told, leaving those power hungry political hacks, money grubbing 1% assholes, and religious fanatics to do their thing and take care of business while we play sailor in exotic locales is somewhat counterproductive to the greater good.
Which is not to say that sailing off into the sunset is a bad thing. Especially since we live in a time where it's not really difficult to keep in touch and informed. So, there's really no excuse to abandon one's civil/civic/moral responsibilities in the grand scheme of things while you're doing your sail-about if for no other reason that those folks running things on the homefront may not have your best interests in mind.
Just saying...
Listening to the Iron Leg Radio Show
So it goes...
A Tiny Cannon
1 day ago