Saturday, August 11, 2018

a tender of interest...

Coming attractions, a reasonable suggestion, and this just about broke my heart...

OK, I'll admit that I have always liked Rob Denney's Harryproa offerings and remain somewhat mystified that his brand of marine/industrial design along with his added dash of proa hucksterism have not made the HarryProa a force to be reckoned with.

For instance, his take on tenders for the Harryproas makes all kinds of sense...

T60 Parts Assembly from Harryproa on Vimeo.

Not only is it a smart way to build a tender (or a sharpie for that matter) but why don't other designers design tenders/dinghies that are actually integral to the design of their mother ships? Really it just seems like a no-brainer. As far as I can tell only Tad Roberts has used the idea of an integral dinghy in his Future Cruiser series.

I'd love to hear from anyone who knows of other integrated dinghy/tender designs that might be floating about.

Listening to an amazing 200 song playlist from NPR

So it goes...