A very good cause we all should support, big swim, and in the "maybe it's just me but I'd suspect someone's hiding something" department...
There are a lot of ways to do stuff on boats and I'm a firm believer that there are very few wrong ways to do a particular job. Fact is, I like and search out other folks ways of doing things to improve my skill set.
That said, there are some wrong ways to do things.
I mention this because I caught a video this morning that had a particularly scary bit of boat hackery that seemed like an excellent bit of boat work until all of a sudden there was a WTF moment and my spidey sense was doing the "Danger, danger Will Robinson" jitterbug dance on meth.
I went back watching it again and, yep, there was the bit where the fix turned into an exercise in how to sink your boat.
Some seriously scary shit.
So, this morning I've been thinking about a lot of the information available on the internet and one's responsibility regarding such things. Should I point out publicly that someone is doing something that may endanger their boat and influence others to do likewise? Or just drop the practitioner a private note and hope he/she considers my advice? The private note wins because I'm just not one of those folks who calls people out in public but...
Isn't there always a but?
The bottom line is that we all have to take responsibility for work we do on our boat and that includes doing our homework verifying that the work we are doing actually makes sense no matter what the source.
Listening to Elizabeth.Eight
So it goes...
Unusual Times
3 days ago