Regarding science denial, some important fact-checking, and not exactly an endorsement that impresses me...
I don't use phones anymore. Fact of the matter is I have not even owned a phone for over five years and have yet to feel the need to change that state of affairs.
For me, part of the appeal of long passages was always that for the duration of the voyage I would be incommunicado and untethered to the "real" world.
I expect you've also guessed that I'm not a big fan of SSB, HAM radio, or EPIRBs either...
Admittedly, I'm of a generation of sailors and climbers (pre-GPS/EPIRB) who were saddled with the reality that in going to sea or on an out-of-the-way climb if things went FUBAR you were on your own and self-rescue if possible or death with a modicum of dignity was the order of the day. Well, unless someone happened along within hailing distance.
I do realize I'm not anywhere near being part of what passes for the norm these days and, while I do not consider myself to be anti-social, I do understand that most folk have a lot more need to be connected than others. The last time we went out to eat lunch I found myself keeping tabs on just how many of our fellow diners took and made phone calls during their meals and just how little communication there seemed to be with the folks they were having lunch with. A somewhat sobering look at our collective evolution it would seem.
Listening to five great covers
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago