Some very scary numbers, Donkey Mountain on things of importance, and so much for job growth...
It's the fourth of July in the year 2017 and, for want of a better word, things are all fucked up.
So, if you don't mind, I'll skip the "it's the 4th and be sure to have a safe and sane holiday" message. That said, I've never really been a "safe and sane" proponent because safe and sane was never as much fun as dumb and dangerous or insane and suicidal... Just saying.
Of course, with the simple fact that the current ruling government of the US of A is almost entirely composed of practitioners of the cult of dumb & dangerous or insane & suicidal it's become difficult to actually figure out just how to approach things anymore. What's going to get you into trouble these days when the folks running the show are a heinous pack of lying jackals who only care about greed?
What's going to piss them off?
Somehow I think my exploits way back when with a pocketful of M80s and a line of toilets would not even raise a blip on anyone's outrage scales these days...
Just about the only thing I can think of that might get their attention in the negative sense would be to just do good works and help folks.
Think about that for a moment.
From what I can tell just being nice to people is about the very last thing tRump and his compassioneless posse want you to do because it fucks up their fueled by hate and greed agenda big time... Sorta like a vampires reaction to sautéed mushrooms heavy on the garlic.
And yeah, I know just being nice and caring about folks is so out of fashion these days but, in a selfie (the universe revolves around my anus) world, what is more dumb and dangerous than swimming against the current?
Just do good stuff...
Sounds like a plan.
Listening to the Cranberries (and a plethora of Zombie covers)
So it goes...
Simple Sampan
11 hours ago