Something you may want to think about, some small acts of kindness, and an excellent BBC documentary about the late great Captain Beefheart...
The other day I realized I needed a boom gallows. Normally I like projects like doing a boom gallows because they are easy to build and simple to design. What could possibly be problematic?
Have I mentioned I have a bunch of solar panels?
Pretty much anyplace where it would make sense to stick a boom gallows is already (or earmarked area) for solar panels. As it happens, I've spent the last few days trying to sort out some sort of "cunning" compromise of panels/gallows that would work...
It's driving me nuts.
Listening to Bob Seger
So it goes...
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
On dealing with complications...
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Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Labels: Cruising Culture, Projects