Robert Pirsig is no longer with us, adding the "T" word to the conversation, and in the "well his lips were moving" department...
Getting ready to blow this pop shop, while a goodly thing, has me running in circles trying to load up on things I'll need for future projects while I have a US of A address. So not only do I have the list of things to do to get the boat ready but I also have a lists of lists for things I'll need six-months down the line including guitar building bits, needful surfboard stuff, and a shitload of camera gear.
Talk about a FUBAR state of affairs...
Still, I always do my best work when the clock is ticking and deadlines are too close for comfort.
Anyway, a roundabout way of saying postings will be a tad bit sporadic for the next few weeks or so
Listening to Quitapenas
So it goes...
Time to Dump
6 days ago