EB Misfit gets it right, interesting, and in the "Has it really come to this" department...
I've noticed, through the ongoing cold/flu-from-hell I've been suffering (as well as my possible new addiction to Nyquil), that my sense of humor, apparently has taken off for parts unknown (possibly Brazil?) and I miss it.
I mention this mostly because I generally enjoy the antics of folks searching for the perfect boat, discussions of what makes a perfect boat, and, especially, long diatribes on how important having a perfect boat is...
I suspect in an earlier time I would have enjoyed the "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin" debates as well.
The problem is, without an intact sense of humor, the whole searching for the perfect boat, discussions of what makes a perfect
boat, and, especially, long diatribes on how important having a perfect
boat is just really pisses me off. I even find myself hating the word p-e-r-f-e-c-t.
Houston we have a problem...
Truth be told, I've never ever thought that there was such a thing as a perfect boat. At best, boats can be perfect in a finite set of circumstances but those are rare as hen's teeth, the one true love, or honest politicians and, when they happen, it is a short time magical event to be savored.
There are lots and lots of better than good cruising boats out there and, in fact, there is such a glut of the damn things that the prices for a better than good to great cruising boat is cheaper than they have ever been.
Seriously, for $10K, in any major city with a coastline in the US of A you can find a turnkey ready to go boat thirty feet or under that will sail you pretty much anywhere you want to go in safety and no small amount of comfort. Spend a thousand or two more and you can have an even nicer more than good enough to boat that will fulfill your dreams.
If you need a bigger boat (as in you're not a single-hander or couple) because you have a family add anther $5k for a 35-foot or under boat and if you still need bigger $20k will buy you something in the under 42-feet zone. Sure you'll still have to look to find the good ones but there are so many out there you won't have to look far or long to find a boat that will work for you.
Well, that is, if you're pragmatic about actually doing stuff and getting to someplace gone.
P-R-A-G-M-A-T-I-C, it's a very good word where cruising is concerned and, having been on and around boats since the early 70's I have yet to come across an unhappy pragmatic cruiser. Pragmatism works just fine, will never let you down, and will get you by when perfection fails.
Just something to consider...
Oh, and by the way, if you happen to come across my sense of humor on some southern beach please let it know that I miss it, all is forgiven, and I really miss being able to laugh at all the donuts trying to find perfection afloat...
Listening to Lily Meola
So it goes...
A Deal with the Devil
1 day ago