Some interesting reading, how 25% is a very scary number, and in the "Nope, global warming is not a real thing" department...
So, we're now in the peak of "H" season and I'd be lying if the idea of buying another anchor has not crossed my mind from time to time.
Of course, the big question is what anchor? On the other hand, do I really want to subject myself to the hypemeisters or anchor fanboys who have been telling me for years that my anchor quiver is akin to running with a chainsaw and it's only dumb luck I'm not sitting on a beach, a reef, or worse. That said, I really should add that in spite of this I have somehow managed to sit out more tropical storms and hurricanes than I can keep track of. The only time I did have issues was in Hurricane Omar when a French boat dragged over my anchor chain, snagged it, winched his anchor (a Rocna) in with mine attached, then unceremoniously dumped my anchor and chain back in as a fouled mess. Hardly surprising that it did not reset. This may partly account for my knee jerk reaction when the word Rocna gets mentioned...
For those who don't keep track of such things, my current anchor quiver consists of a 20KG Brittany, a 15KG Brittany, a 15KG folding fisherman, and a Northill stainless folding aviation anchor. For storms that have names, I use the 20KG Brittany in tandem with the folding fisherman with a fifteen foot length of chain between the two as my main anchor and deploy the other two at 120 degrees as well because they aren't doing me any good sitting on my deck now are they?
Which brings me back to the idea of adding another anchor (or anchors) to the mix which, I suspect, I may bore you with in the next couple of installments.
Listening to Tahoma
So it goes...
Time to Dump
4 days ago