Unspeakably heinous acts in California, stuff you need to know, and something worth the time it takes to read...
Over at SailFeed there's a very good piece about anchoring laws in Florida and everyone really needs to read it. More importantly, folks on boats really should get vocal with the various Powers That Be and let them know how you feel... It's important.
Just to show you that political anti-anchoring skullduggery is not just a Florida thing but a problem worldwide... Voile Magazine has a story about 20 Euro a meter anchoring charges per night (or in non metric that's $228. a night to anchor your 32-foot boat). Being that, if it were to happen, it would also include a sizable chunk of the Caribbean (St Martin/Martinique/St Barts/Guadeloupe) so you might find it a needful read. For those who don't read French you'll find that Google Translate does a good enough job to make sense of it all.
Talk about interesting times...
Just in...
Good news about the twenty Euro a day anchoring tax is that it did not go through (more information here and here). That said, it does not mean they won't try it again...
Listening to Bob Dylan covering Frank Sinatra
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago