A couple getting hassled for helping folks, music to drown out the hate, and sometimes it's good to be reminded there are still some good folks around...
My Kindle seems to be having some issues and for the last few nights my bedtime reading has been something of a problematic affair.
I plan to buy a new Kindle Monday...
Now, I expect, I'll be able to sort out whatever problem is causing the issue (at the moment I think it may have something to do with a demon and might require a blood sacrifice) but being that said Kindle lives on a boat and involves electricity to make it work, it's hardly surprising that it's not going to work from time to time.
Face it, anything electronic or powered by electricity on a boat is going to be a problem at some point in time. More importantly, whenever it does fail it will be at the most awkward and inopportune time possible thanks to the ever present law of perversity. Like when you're in the middle of "Heart Shaped Box" (which is a really good read) or you're dragging anchor towards a reef and you go to turn on your electric windlass...
Of course, I can always wait a day or two to read the next chapter so I can live with my Kindle taking a sorta/kinda day off once in a while. As for an electric windlass (or winches, which are just your choice of Deity telling you A. your boat is too big for you or, B. that you need to take a course with Mr Apollo) I don't have one so I don't have to worry about when it's going to fail or malfunction...
Listening to San Fermin
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago