How not to sell cookies, on modern policing methods, and, just maybe, the most appropriate headline of the week...
I suspect that, for most of us at least, the most dangerous thing we do on boats is to take things for granted. Truth be told, I do it all the time and, more often than not, I tend to find that it bites me on the ass when I do.
Not too long ago there were all those folks in Mexico who had their boats impounded and reading a lot of the reactions to the situation the recurring themes seemed to be "How could this happen?" and "How could the Mexican authorities be so stupid?". When maybe they should have been asking themselves "Why did I take it for granted that shit wouldn't happen?"
Now, call me paranoiac but I pretty much always expect stuff to get funky on a regular basis and, as it happens I am sadly seldom disappointed... Over the last few years I've mentioned that the USVI government keeps floating some new silly expensive fees for folks on boats as well as some draconian rules that, while not enacted yet, would make the USVI something of a no go place for most cruisers.
I expect when such rules and regulations come into play it will be a huge surprise to most who expect the same old same to remain in perpetuity. You'll be able to hear them screaming "How could this happen?" halfway across the Pacific...
Note to self: must get some earplugs.
Listening to C,S,& N
So it goes...
Time to Dump
1 week ago