On having perfected the "shrug", an important point, and I suppose there's just no cure for stupid...
Yesterday I had a note to the blog from a guy who's decided he wants to go cruising and was interested in my opinion about the boat that he's decided to buy to sail off into the sunset on.
What was more interesting was he mentioned in his note he'd never gone sailing or even been on a sailboat...
The scary thing is this is not the first email of this sort I have received and, I suspect, it won't be the last one either.
Truth be told, I'm not sure how he took my reply that he might want to consider learning to sail and, just maybe, might be better off doing a bit of sailing on different boats before he takes the plunge but, I expect he thinks I'm an ass for raining on his parade.
Maybe one of the best sailing books I've ever read is "Solitaire Spirit" by Les Powles who not only built a boat to sail around the world on without knowing how to sail but pretty much set off on his voyage with just a couple of hours of instruction. That said, a lot of what makes the book so interesting is the whole "guy-running-with-scissors-accident-waiting-to-happen" vibe... To say Les made some mistakes as a result would be something of an understatement.
Les Powles is a special case and an exception as every guy who pulls it off like Les did there are hundreds who did not... Something we all should keep in mind.
Listening to Geoff & Maria Muldaur
So it goes...
Simple Sampan
28 minutes ago