Your daily dose of insanity, a very important point of distinction, and someone who actually has a clue...
Right now I'm doing what I consider fun work on the boat and there's even varnish involved!
Yeah, I know I'm not a huge fan of varnish on boats but that's on the outside where the dreaded UV monster reigns supreme. A bit of varnish in the interior, on the other hand, is quite nice.
Varnishing inside out of the way of most wind, dust, and unheralded blue sky showers is really quite relaxing and you can really get your zen on with the sure knowledge that it is (if you'll pardon the expression) smooth sailing...
Well, of course, there's always a niggle. We do have some feline crew whose apparent purpose in life (other then pouncing on surprised flying fish) is to leave little signatures about. The most prized, of course, being footprints on recently varnished horizontal surfaces.
Just another sort of brush stroke from where I sit...
Listening to Ages and Ages
So it goes...
Outlaw Love
1 day ago