Sunday, June 15, 2014

a needful skill...

Some interesting thoughts about being wrong/making mistakes, the downward spiral continues, and C&L looks at what C&W should of been...

I'm always amazed that folks will pay you to splice rope. Back when dinosaurs roamed the UCLA campus and I got into the whole sailing gig, the current thinking was that being able to splice your own rope was something everybody needed to know. Then again, people also used to know how to tie knots...

Times have certainly changed.

In a way this is no bad thing as someone always needs to have rope spliced and the ability to trade splicing for dollars has come in handy more times than I can remember.

The other day on a forum I sometimes read (it's always entertaining to listen to fools, idiots, and folks of limited vision lecture others on stuff they know nothing about) there was a plea from a guy for recommendations for a good rigger in the eastern Med because he needed new dock lines and did not want to have to ship his rope back to the States to get eye splices and then shipped back to him in the Med.

Just think about that for a moment...

Just a thought, it never hurts to actually read that copy of The Complete Riggers Apprentice languishing all dusty and forlorn on your bookshelf.

Listening to St Paul & the Broken Bones

So it goes...