Something of a must read, the gift that just keeps on giving, and I guess some folks just have a thing for toxic waste...
I see that the whole enterprise devoted to breaking Dodge Morgan's old circumnavigation record is calling it quits for the moment. Hardly earth shattering news and more along the lines of something to file in the Who Cares Department.
Maybe it's just I've never understood the need to be better, richer, or more famous than someone else. On the other hand, I do understand being the best you can be but, in my experience, I have seldom found being a better person walk hand-in-hand with the need to be seen as such and chasing after a claim to fame.
I'm sure some would argue that the Kiwi Spirit project would have paid some sort of dividends in spin off technology or some such. From everything I've read generated by Mr Paris or others associated with the project, I just don't see any real advances. One positive spin off hopefully will be that some folks will realize that spending lots and lots of money does not always get you what you want...
Listening to The Lone Bellow
So it goes...
Simple Sampan
21 hours ago