Hardly surprising from a producer of toxic waste, just the sort of thing that fills me with a hope we might actually have a chance, and while not a trebuchet, this does seem to have promise...
Listening to the rumor mill this weekend has been a bit depressing and the death of a cruiser always puts it on overdrive, brings out the gun fetishists, and makes no difference at all.
The fact is, cruising away from home is a lot safer than living in the US of A. Of course, there's a lot of gun crime but just the simple act of driving to work or off for the weekend puts you into the sort of "Danger Will Robinson" territory that no self-respecting cruiser would ever subject themselves to.
Which is why a violent cruising death is so shocking... it's a rare and tragic thing and all the more disturbing for it.
Listening to Steam Powered Giraffe
So it goes...
A Deal with the Devil
1 day ago