A great interactive map of the voyage of Odysseus (a must for Med -bound cruisers), some ripples from the film Blackfish, and our favorite Penguin makes an astute observation worth keeping in mind...
I've been hearing a lot of chatter about the new taxes for boats in Greece of late and, while it's depressing, I certainly don't see a need to get angry over it.
That said, it is a big factor in deciding where to cruise in the Med these days.
The big problem with the Med area is it has become problematic for a variety of reasons but the biggie is the Schengen treaty makes visiting at a cruisers pace almost impossible without jumping through some serious hoops and lengthy side trips to restart your Schengen clock.
Still, it's well worth the hassle...
Listening to Best Coast
So it goes...
A Tiny Cannon
2 days ago