Worth a listen, Dr Who physics, and a legal fund you might want to consider helping out...
Back when Phil Bolger and I were discussing the design of Loose Moose 2, I pointed out to Phil there were no lifelines in any of the drawings and Phil said that he did not like lifelines as a friend of his had died in a lifeline related accident. It got me thinking.
As a result we never bothered with stanchions and lifelines and it worked out pretty well with the only downside being we were not able to use lifelines for what most people seem to use them for which is drying laundry.
The fact that we did not have lifelines meant that we were real serious about wearing harnesses and always clipped in as in REAL SERIOUS. On other boats I'd sailed on a number of times I'd refrain from putting on a harness and clipping in when the conditions merited their use for trips forward because I'd tell myself that I was OK because putting on a harness was a hassle and what the hell there was always the lifelines...
On "So It Goes", which does have lifelines, I sometimes find myself on the foredeck with a bit more exposure than I'd like and my harness down below where it is doing me bugger all good. That said, the lifelines do great service on laundry day.
In a similar vein, John Vigor who often makes a lot of sense, has a really excellent post everyone should take a few minutes to read...
Listening to the Easybeats
So it goes...
Time to Dump
3 days ago