In the can't-say-I'm-surprised department, a dead simple composting toilet that anyone can build for nearly nothing, and something on the science of political polarization...
For anyone who's been paying attention, it's pretty obvious that I don't quite conform to the status quo on boats and cruising. I'll be honest, some days it just gets tiresome...
For instance, the new SAIL magazine has an article about refitting an older boat and preparing it to go cruising and I happily sat down with a cup of coffee to enjoy it. But, my enjoyment was short lived.
The article was more of the how someone spent $50K to make an $80K boat better with the underlining vibe that an $80K boat is a budget boat and not blue water capable. In other words, not my kind of article at all...
Sail and Cruising World magazines used to have a lot of articles in times gone by about fixing up old cheap boats on a budget and sailing somewhere interesting but it would seem that sort of article is no longer on the menu.
From where I sit that's a bummer.
Which brings us around to VolksCruiser, which is a place I can rattle off about interesting boats, rigs, and a sustainable lifestyle that folks can afford whether they work at jobs that preclude the ability to plop down $80K for a fixer-upper and $50K to make it seaworthy.
Over at VolksCruiser we won't be talking about boats that will cost more than $25K all fixed up and ready to go and the emphasis will be doing it even cheaper whenever possible in a sustainable manner.
So, if you have not had a chance to drop by and check out VolksCruiser please do and, if you are already visiting consider dropping us an article, some ideas, or what you'd like to be reading...
Listening to Smith
So it goes...
Time to Dump
3 days ago