Thursday, September 26, 2013

a rather good observation...

Reich makes a good point, something to keep in mind, and some excellent advice from Bo...

Sailing Anarchy often says stuff that makes sense but they really hit the nail squarely on the head with this...

"...because the hull required another approach to sailing. It does not use the same angles upwind or sailing downwind …”
In this case they are talking about David Raison's scowish mini "Magnum" but the same could be said for any different hull or rig.

You have to learn how to sail it...

I've lost track of the number of times folks have written to Boat Bits to tell me that scows won't sail to windward, schooners are a stupid rig, and that the balanced lug might make sense on an 8-foot pram but makes zero sense for a cruising boat. Of course 99.9% of those have never used or sailed any of those but if they had, they would have sailed them just like the cookie cutter sloops everybody sails, and that alone would insure that the scow, schooner, or lug never had a chance.

Listening to Travis Tritt

So it goes...