Thursday, May 30, 2013

What happened to all the good stuff...

This is interesting, Ian Welsh is still on a roll of sorts, and something well worth reading...

Back when we were living in France almost every boat had a trailing log and now you hardly ever see one... The curious thing about that sad state of affairs is where did all the trailing logs go?

You'd think that eBay and consignment shops would be awash with Walker and Wasp logs and they'd be cheap but looking around I see there are very few and what ones are E-X-P-E-N-S-I-V-E!

Now, I can see the Walker Cherub...

...being something of a maritime antique of sorts (it being all brass and reeking nautical goodness) but the lowly plastic Walker KDO going for $500 bucks is just plain nuts.

Well, unless you have a serious Bakelite fetish, I suppose.

I have noticed that in the UK on the British eBay, Walker and Wasp logs go for a much more reasonable price. So, if you're on the lookout for a trailing log that's the current venue of choice.

Listening to Sons of Bill

So it goes...