Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Getting back to some basics...

Today's not so good news, a voyage of note, and who would not lust after this for your anti-boarding tool of choice...

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."
Charles Darwin
Dmitri Orlov makes some interesting comments regarding "square boats" (a term I'm not overly enamoured with) on his blog this morning so you might want to take a few minutes and check it out!

If there is one trait that is needful for cruising folk, it is the ability to be adaptable and not hung up on convention. Face it, folks who don't handle change well don't last long cruising...

Some year back in the Canaries we ran across a couple with a big expensive boat, lots of money, and every mod-con available to folks on a boat yet they were unhappy. The wife confided to us that the reason they were going "Home" and quitting cruising was because they could not get their favorite mayonnaise in such far flung places like France (mayonnaise is something of an art form there) where they could not find Hellmans.


At a time that hints at big change coming, you might want to reflect on those words from Mr Darwin which make all kinds of sense.

So you adapt or you do something else...

Listening to the Warren Haynes Band

So it goes...