Monday, August 13, 2012

On bicycles and fat being the new black...

Just wondering what sort of moral world view do you get from reading a book by a serial killer groupie, a brief moment of clarity, and about Carl Wilson's awesome lucite Fender...

I find bike design sort of interesting these days...

The problem is that the bicycle is pretty much evolved to the max so that anything really new is actually something old or something that, just maybe, really should not be part of the mix. Pretty much a one step forward three steps back dynamic.

Not too far different from sailboats as it happens...

This weekend I was reading about how the "new black" in sailboats was the monomaran. The thing is, really fat hulls are nothing new but the monomaran is just the sort of moniker that make marketing folks get pee-in-their-pants excited and congratulate themselves on how witty they are. Granted they would be half right.

The yachting press will embrace the concept with great enthusiasm as long as those promoting the idea of monomarans take out big advertising and pay out some serious cash. Pretty much the same old same it would seem.

Listening to The Beach Boys

So it goes...