Wednesday, July 04, 2012

There's always an alternative to the high priced spread...

Well, this kind of seriously sucks, so does this, and, you know, I think we all understand how this guy felt...

Tad Roberts dropped me a line the other day to tell me about a cool website that had a pretty nifty DIY roller furling gear...

The thing is, I'm surprised that there are not more self-made roller furling and reefing system around... The science/engineering involved are dead simple and, as the cost savings are so attractive, you'd think everybody would be doing it.

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that not everyone has had the pleasure/curse of working in a used sailing gear and consignment shop where all those broken, malfunctioning, and poorly designed brand name furling systems go when their useful life has ended or that a large percentage of folks on sailboats think paying a lot of money for gear is a cure all of sorts.

Then again, being a person of frugal tastes, the idea that I can build something for around 5-10% in material costs that will work as well or better rather than buying it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling...

Listening to Johnny Hallyday

So it goes...