How about some facts worth checking out, someone showing their true colors, and a very cool board...
It's a day not quite conducive to boat works as a tropical wave is currently blowing through but, since I have a gaping hole in the cockpit that needs a hatch, I don't really have much choice in the matter.
Life's like that some days...
Meanwhile, over in the PNW, Courtney Kirchoff (I'm sure you remember Courtney) has a hole of her own to deal with, as her boat "Libby" got run into by a powerboat. I'm pretty sure she had planned to do something else rather than deal with gaping holes and insurance companies.
Being on a boat has more than its fair share of such things we have to do when we'd rather be doing something else and it's all part of the gig. Something you might want to keep in mind if you're thinking about getting a boat.
Still, it sure beats working in a cubicle as far as I can see.
Listening to The Civil Wars a lot of late.
So it goes...
Time to Dump
4 days ago