Donkey Mountain points us to a good film, so much for Kansas, and anyone want to buy a cool plywood boat?
Speaking of plywood boats, a commenter over at the Old Salt blog did the usual "plywood's crap and so are boats built of it" two step... But hey, there are idiots everywhere!
Personally, I love plywood as a boat building material. Done right it is a long lasting, strong, dimensionally stable, and inherently fair material. Throw in the fact that it also speeds up the boat building process a whole bunch. What's not to like?
It's what the next Loose Moose will be built from and certainly VolksCruiser friendly!
Well, it will be if I can get off my ass and finally decide what sort of design the next Loose Moose is actually going to be...
Listening to Lio
So it goes...
Time to Dump
3 days ago