Things are looking pretty grim when repossessing our infrastructure becomes a common occurrence, are paid firefighters and public employees an endangered species, and this post from Sailing Simplicity seriously kicks some butt...
So does this poster!
Our last poll on how big a cruising boat a couple needs was not exactly a big surprise...
The bulk of the responders gravitated to the middle ground and we will simply say that I agree that for most folks a cruising boat of 26-35 feet makes all kinds of sense.
The 26-35 foot niches also, happily, contains a huge number of used boats for sale at very good prices and there is a lot of choice available.
Of course, it is important to keep in mind that good design is a really big factor in making a small boat livable... I never cease to be amazed at how some 30-foot boats feel huge in comparison to some 34-footers or vice-versa.
Listening to Los Lobos
So it goes...