Holy razor blades in apples, Robert Reich on the old push/pull, and Scott (of Scott's Boat Pages infamy) has a new book out...
The mailbag has been full of folks asking what route/scenario I'm considering that is off the various milk runs that most cruisiers follow... For the moment, I'll just say that it's too soon to tell.
But, on a sorta/kinda different subject and speaking of milk runs, have you noticed just how many cruisers have gone around Cape Horn? I mention this as yesterday I was having a Guinness at a dockside pub and noticed just about every guy walking down the dock had an earring in his left ear...
Now, where I come from in the grand nautical scheme of things, a sailor ONLY gets an earring in his left ear after he has rounded Cape Horn. So next time some wandering sailor sits down and twiddles the gold at his earlobe, show some respect.
Of course, being a sailor and having an earring in the left ear and not having sailed the "Horn" would be extremely bad form or so I'm told.
Listening to Matchbox Twenty
So it goes...
A Deal with the Devil
15 hours ago