Saturday, October 15, 2011

My favorite cruising boat in the 20-25 foot niche...

Oh, oh it's rapture time again, Giant (and a few others) go after GM's recent college ad, and this sort of tax would make a lot of sense...

Someone recently wrote and asked about just what sort of boat could you go cruising on under 25-feet. One that jumped to mind was the Bristol 24 as it is really roomy for it's size, well built and seaworthy. Not to mention with the six-foot headroom it's not for Munchkins only...

On a whim (and since I had a few minutes while the curry cooked) I checked over on Craig's List and there is a Bristol 24 going for $2000 in Annapolis, another for $750 on the Jersey Shore, and one more for $3000 in Rhode Island...

Who says it costs a lot to go cruising?

Listening to Hot Bitch Arsenal

So it goes...