I guess kick-boxing is no longer the sport of the future, on the truth being stranger than dystopian fiction, and Krugman uses the word "awesome".
This is the point during "H" season where I start getting seriously pissed off...
The hard part of "H" season is not actually about the storms but the uncertainty of exactly where a storm is going to be and when it will actually be or not be a storm. Throw in the relentless nature of tropical waves pumping off of Africa like Lucy's adventure at the candy factory and you have a serious recipe for STRESS.
Now 97L looks like it will slide by us as we are currently just on the edge of the isobar that it seems to be using as it's superhighway to mayhem and, with any luck, we will just get a lot of rain and 30+ knots of wind... Not so bad. Today's decision is where to ride it out and the iffy factor is if the isobar slides north so will the storm and give us, maybe, more than we bargained for.
Of course, those tropical waves are just going to keep pumping till after Halloween has come and gone so even if 97L goes by like a little lamb the next wave or the dozen after that may be kicking some serious butt...
Three months or so of this sort of thing drives people to drink, yell at strangers and otherwise behave in an anti-social manner (akin to living in NYC or Paris) and, correct me if I'm wrong, but most of us on boats plying the Caribbean came here for less stress and mayhem than back home...
So, color me a bit pissed off... Pissed at the weather, not happy with the world situation, and really pisseed off at myself for deciding to ride out yet another hurricane season in the monsoon trough that is my little corner of the Caribbean.
There is one little ray of light in this otherwise dark and depressing saga... a couple of days ago we saw a bunch of Royal Terns who are always absent for "H" season (being a lot smarter than me apparently) so I take this as a sign that they know something the meteorologists and I don't...
Listening to the ever great Don Nix
So it goes...