Something often left out of discussions regarding cruising on a sailboat during the current zombie apocalypse is that of "style".
Well yeah, there is that one blog which is only concerned with style, hipness, and the coloring and re-coloring of hair...
So, just to bring a certain level of hipness to surviving the ZA on a sailboat in style, or to be more precise, bring fashion down to a level that boatfolk can actually deal with, may I offer some helpful hints...
As it happens, I've always been partial to facial hair but sometime forget just how much personality can be brought to the table when needful... For some hints, take a look at these dudes. Throw an Aloha shirt on any of those guys, give em a rum drink and not only would they fit in at Bomba's full moon party, but they'd score!
Of course, knowing a little history about Aloha shirts is mandatory to get full advantage and be cutting edge. Just a warning but Aloha shirts (or the wearing of them) tends to be competitive so best to get all the help you can.
Shorts are de rigueur, but all shorts are not created equal... For ages, Columbia Sportswear have been the shorts by which all shorts were judged. Keep in mind that, whatever brand, white shorts are akin to social suicide.
Speaking of social suicide, pretty much any clothing that says "sail" or promotes a sailing product is verboten unless it was FREE or you stole it. It also helps to at least pretend you are on a budget so if anyone ever asks you where you got something or what it costs, explain that your Harken shorts were only fifty cents at a thrift shop for wayward cats. Thrift is so much the "New Black".
Last but not least, if you have any doubts about looking right here is a quick test...
Do I look like a tourist?
If the answer is yes you're in trouble!
Listening to Green Day
So it goes...
A Tiny Cannon
6 hours ago