I guess I should mention that it is indeed "Talk Like A Pirate Day" and while adding the odd "ARRRHHH" or "Avast" to sentences can be somewhat entertaining, it does make me think of other things...
Sadly, the real language of piracy these days is that used by folks in Somalia and other third world areas. For a variety of reasons, real up-close-and-personal piracy is something of a growth industry. It would, of course, be prudent to add that words of a piratical nature are also common parlance in those of a political bent (whichever party they may belong to it is always best to keep in mind that most fly the skull and bones) as well as those working in the corporate world and best not to forget that behind every great fortune lies a great crime. Lastly, it would be unwise to forget those who travail in the marine trades who just may be the scurviest examples of a rather scurvy lot...
Listening to "Prelude to Mutiny" by
Unusual Times
3 days ago