I've been spending a lot of my time recently looking at our VHF (a Uniden Solara) which is currently sitting here not connected to anything and taking up space...
The problem is that sitting here, it takes up space so installing it somewhere else will get it out of the space it currently is taking up but then will take up space somewhere else and apparently only god knows where it should go and he/she is not talking! The other thing about our VHF is we never use it or turn it on as our VHF needs are well met by our Uniden handheld.
I have, in the past, expressed interest in the AIS/VHF radio by Standard Communications that has an integrated AIS but as we already have two NASA AIS receivers it is hardly needful. While it is affordable for what it is, it does cost more than I'd like to spend. Standard also makes a version of this radio without the AIS unit but with the AIS display so we could use our current AIS unit with it but then again, that is a couple of hundred dollars I'd rather put towards a new 12 string and, as I said earlier, our Uniden handheld is really all of the VHF we need...
So the real question is, do I even want to bother keeping this VHF on the boat as it is simply not pulling it's weight in the grand scheme of things or does it join the Sat phone as nautical flea market fodder for the first guy who offers $25?
A Deal with the Devil
22 hours ago