Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hurricane Earl aftermath...

While Earl (you remember Earl?) did not do much in the way of damage to the USVI it did not go without a couple of exciting moments...

One being that for a moment I thought we were out of coffee (Yes, a fate worse than death!) and thoughts of having to swim ashore (too rough for the dinghy) and finding some coffee on shore when everything was closed and there was a curfew... Maybe I've said more than I should on that subject.

The other bit of excitement was when an unattended charter cat broke off its second mooring of the day and came to visit. Luckily no damage was done but for a while it was needful to fend off with feet and fenders till we could place our dinghy between the boats as a fender and sort out a rescue crew to come out by finding the boat's  contact info on the internet and then calling the owner (who was in California) ... Well at least it was not boring!

Today things are in drying out mode and attention is now on Fiona...

Listening to Babylon by Jo Jo Gunne

So it goes...