Over at the Latts and Atts and Margaritaville forums, folks are upset with Jimmy Buffet because he said something or other about an ex-president. You can almost smell the burning Parrothead hats on the breeze...
That really depresses me and it just reinforces the feeling that "we are most certainly not in Kansas anymore" mindset that makes me wonder if I have somehow sailed to some alternate universe where everything is way off kilter and Barry Manilow just won the Nobel Peace Prize for his good works as the new Pope.
Yeah, seriously unreal kind of vibe as we all know that the Pope is not Barry Manilow but is, in fact, an ex-Hitler youth and what exactly does that say about our "real" reality?
History is an interesting thing and a tool of great power. A fact that those who do not take note of history and what has gone before should. History has a nasty knack of coming around and biting those on the ass who do not pay attention to it...
Offhand I'd say that Mr Buffet pays attention to history as it unfolds and for Jimmy to get where he is against all the odds it is a sure thing he is nobody's fool. If he said something I'd most likely listen. If for some reason it went against my world view, I'd pause for a moment and give it some thought and check it out because there is a better than even chance he'd be right.
But, that's just me...
Unusual Times
2 days ago