Saturday, June 19, 2010

My hatches leak...

I'm not sure if 92L going over us last night was a good thing or what...

Where hurricanes are concerned there is a very big component of luck, wishful thinking, and superstition. It does not take long in the Caribbean to learn that a lot of folks don't even like to say the "H" word and that most of us here for any length of time develop various rituals and Gris-Gris that would do a Vodou priestess proud.

For those new to it all, there are often smirks and a failure to understand but once someone actually experiences a storm down here they understand. It's no surprise that folks who live in the Caribbean tell time using hurricanes as sort of a strange calendar. Ask a guy when he moved to the Caribbean and he will not give you a year but say something along the lines of just before "Hugo" or right after "Marilyn"... It's how we keep time in the Caribbean!

Some of my personal quirks relating to storms here is that I have a strong belief in the odds in that wherever I happen to be has a small chance of getting hit and an even stronger belief that anything that improves those odds is a good thing. Truth be told, the actual chance of being hit by a hurricane is pretty small but then again it does happen and it is my personal belief that if a storm track passes over you your chances of not being hit again are vastly improved.

Which is where my dilemma with 92L comes in, as it passed right over us part of me wants to believe that the chances of being hit again have vastly improved but then again as it was not a real storm. So does it really count? I might have to go look at some entrails or some such...

What I do know for sure though is the frelling Lewmar "leak-like-a-sieve" hatches over my bed are about to be history!