Just my opinion, but a lot of folks take the wrong tack on choosing ever more complicated and expensive systems for their boats when they should be looking at how they can simplify.
These days there is a lot of great design effort devoted to making life in the third world better and just maybe if we were to look at what is available on that front we'd be a whole lot better off.
For instance... Take a look at the Swirl which is a means of moving water easily between places with the added bonus of also being a way of washing clothes. Not such a bad idea! There are a lot of spots that would be great places to cruise but being able to move the boat (or dinghy) up to a dock and get water is just not doable. I remember being someplace where the nearest water was up the beach and just a mile down the road and after ferrying a dozen jerry cans I realized there was a whole new meaning to the word... PAIN! Something like the Swirl on the other hand, would have made it pretty close to just a reasonable stroll!
On the other hand you can take the western approach and buy a washing machine (Splendide 2000S for $1500 for instance) and a watermaker (between $3000-$10,000) with a means of powering it, and so on... Most of the folks we have come across on our travels that have built in washers seem to have a lot of expensive problems with them and still wind up doing their laundry in a bucket or taking it to someone on shore to do for them. All of a sudden a bucket or wheelie-dealie starts to make a little bit of sense?
Time to Dump
1 week ago