The other day someone mentioned that "we" sailing boatfolk are some kind of nuts for giving up the 9 to 5 cubicle and sailing off to tropical paradises, spending our days doing the odd bit of boat work between frozen drinks served up by bikini (or less than bikini'd on the French islands) clad servers... The writer also mentioned my odd inclusion of posts relating to zombie apocalypse scenarios...
So call me nuts... but the news from stateside makes me wonder just how off kilter I may be...
In Lawndale California... The city apparently planted garlic plants all around the town to keep vampires at bay (shades of BUFFY!) "The only reason we had garlic put in was so we could keep the vampires out of town. And since we have had garlic I haven't seen one single solitary vampire in town."
Joe Lieberman is still the chairman of one of the most powerful committees and has not had certain egg-shaped body parts nailed to the doors of the Senate (maybe they should try GARLIC?)... Throw in the fact that they put the idiots who caused the current economic mayhem in charge of fixing things while giving themselves bonuses... Nah, that's not nuts!
On primetime TV you can watch a guy give himself a guano (bird crap) enema... Well sure, that makes all kinds of sense!
Cops feel so threatened by an epileptic having a seizure that they Taser him eleven times... I'm having a hard time sorting out if this is better or worse than Tasering a ten-year old or a great-great-grandmother...
So yeah, I might be nuts being here in the tropics where decent rum costs less than Coca-Cola, there is no snow (or zombies last time I looked) and I don't have to wear socks.
But since it's not snowing, I have some boat work to do just as soon as I have another Bushwacker...
Simple Sampan
6 hours ago