Being something of a buff on the historical side of the age of piracy, books and films on things piratical are more likely to piss me off rather than entertain me and it is not unusual to hear the sound of book being thrown against bulkheads...
Not so much with the late Michael Crichton's "Pirate Latitudes" which mostly gets it right. No mean feat in a genre that mostly gets it wrong and where source material is more than likely to be an amusement ride in a theme park rather than history.
Speaking of getting facts right, this just may be the first book on pirates I have read that actually gets the boat stuff right...
Crichton has always been a writer who could make me turn pages and while I don't always agree with some political aspects of his work, I always still find it enjoyable as he tells a great tale and mostly gets his facts right.
I'm still reading this book. I've found I'm enjoying it so much that I find myself rationing the chapters. It's that good! Just the perfect book to read at anchor in St Croix while sipping the Demerara...
Simple Sampan
13 hours ago