When we come to St Thomas it is often as a resupply and let mail catch up with us sort of port of call. St Thomas has always been a great place to provision and sort out gear for the boat as far back as the days of Capt Kidd...
As a matter of fact Captain Kidd only learned he was a "pirate" when the Danes told him ever so politely that "in point of fact we'd like you and the boat you sailed in on to go somewhere else as your piratical money is no good here"!
BUMMER! I mean seriously when the folks (crooks and pimps) in St Thomas think you are too crooked to do business with you well you are some kind of screwed! For more info on what really happened all those long years ago do try and check out "The Pirate Hunter" a truly great read...
But, what I really wanted to talk about is how St Thomas is somewhat on the down slope as a place to provision and sort out repairs and needful things these days... I'm guessing it's partly to do with the idiots running our economy in Washington as the only real money (2.7 Billion) that came down here to jump start the local economy went to Europe to subsidize a well off maker of spirits (though for my money Captain Morgan rum is more swill than spirit) so times are hard down here in America's Paradise and the shelves are pretty empty...
St Martin, Trinidad and the Grenadines however are very much on the ascent and St Thomas will one day be simply a memory of a place that "Was" the yachting center of the Caribbean...
Time to Dump
1 week ago