One blog I have been enjoying is Zero To Cruising and today's post is all about doing the Winterizing checklist gig and for those who are in places where the whole winterizing checklist actually makes sense should give it a read! Being in the tropics I would be all smug about not needing such a list but down here in Paradise we have our own list problems...
Since we have been working on our own set of lists in getting the boat and ourselves ready to head back across the Atlantic all of a sudden we have become the slaves of lists ourselves. Lists of needful charts, lists of gear for the boat, lists relating to cat passports, lists for repainting the deck and upgrading the non-skid and list of clothes to get... It gets crazy!
For the record I have not worn long pants in a couple of years or so... I know I have a couple of pair of jeans somewhere but only God and the cats knows where they might be and no one is talking! Same goes for socks... I mean, I know I have socks somewhere but so far where they might be is some kind of a mystery and shoes... I need shoes!
I need a "real world/civilization Teva's don't cut it" list!
A Deal with the Devil
17 hours ago