I've mentioned the Portland Pudgy on a couple of occasions on Boat Bits and I think the proactive sort of life boat has merit. That said like all things for us boat folk everything always boils down to some sort of compromise.
Attainable Adventure Cruising recently blogged on the subject of the Portland Pudgy and the Portland Pudgy folks responded...
Now I'll throw my two cents in as well... 'We have actually seen the Pudgy up close and personal and it is a very well made and thought out boat. Other cruisers I have ran into with Pudgies like them a LOT... What is more they perform as a dinghy well enough that more often than not the cruisers we met using them actually rowed (this is no small thing). The down side is like the folks at Attainable Adventure Cruising I really don't like stuff on deck as it is simply a problem waiting to happen and with the Portland Pudgies high freeboard in my mind it takes up an unacceptable amount of space on the deck of a thirty-four foot boat.
Time to Dump
1 week ago