Musical instruments and such things like electric guitars and basses are at best, a bit problematic on a boat...
That said, having a means of making music on a boat that is your home in my view is just as important as any other system on the boat. Needful. Plus they have their uses when folks insist on anchoring TOO close!
Luckily, these days, they are finally making some decent small amplifiers that are boat friendly. I currenly have a small Crate Profiler 5 for guitar use and a Roland Microcube Amp for bass... All in all not a bad combination and they stow quite nicely in the settee seat back.
The problem, of course, is that neither of these has the needful kick ass to go out and gig if the need were to manifest itself. So I do keep looking for something that goes a little further to bridge the gap between the small cube amp and the Marshall stack...
Enter Electro Harmonix who is one of my favorite effect folk and they have recently come up with a new tiny power amp with the clever moniker of 22 Cal.... From the video, this amp actually has some serious oomph and I have a very clever and "cunning" plan that involves a pair of these and a couple of small marinized rear loaded horn cabinets. Now all that remains is to work out a means of shrinking a Leslie rotating speaker down to a manageable size...
Time to Dump
3 days ago