It's not very windy today and since I installed a new wind generator yesterday I've spent a good portion of the day with an ear tuned, listening for problem noises and suchlike. Fact of the matter is that even when the wind is gusting up I can't hear anything from the wind generator (and it is spinning and producing AMPS!) just eight feet from where I write this...
Sadly, on the other hand, I CAN hear the wind generator on the boat anchored 150 yards from us (it's an Air Marine) and I wonder how someone can stand to live on a boat that has such a noisemaker on a pole attached.
What is even better about the new wind generator is that is is cheap ($300) in comparison to Marine units at $1200 or more. Even if it were only to last a couple of years it would still be cheaper (as well as quieter) than buying marine... Fact is looking at the build and materials it seems every bit as well made as its marine counterparts. I expect a kiss of rust in a couple places but then I see a lot of rust on marine gear these days as well!
The point of course is simply to do the research and buy what makes sense and never make the assumption that something is better just because someone put "MARINE" on the box!
At last...
1 day ago