Sad to say but a lot of people think of Spam when they think of food on a sailboat... Spam and all manner of food that most people would not dream of eating in their shore bound existence somehow become acceptable while afloat.
Except, the problem is, if you don't eat spam on land there is bugger all chance that you will develop a liking of spam or reasonable facsimile and be eating it afloat. What you will do is have a bunch of cans that from time to time you have to throw away as they begin to rust or worse!
Fact of the matter is almost all the people I know on boats out cruising are really pretty discerning on the subject of food and what they cook and provision with... If there is one thing you can count on in the cruising fleet is that most of us are pretty serious about our food and you are much more likely to overhear two cruisers comparing the merits of pan seared vs grilled Wahoo or homemade salsas than you will comparing the relative merit of Spam vs Velveeta...
So if you are in that starting to make lists phase of preparing to cruise and sail off into the sunset... Take a good long look at what you eat and leave off the things you don't because if you don't like it on land you ain't going to enjoy it anymore while sailing!
Lucky & Tough
5 days ago