Right now invest 93L the weather system which is slated to become tropical storm/ hurricane Kyle ( is it just me but does Kyle just say wimp with a capital "W" or what?) is pretty much sitting on top of me which is something of a pain in the butt as I had planned some fiberglass work and painting in the cockpit area but instead I get to sit back drink coffee and read about the financial shit storm that Bush and his Merry cohorts have brought down on our collective heads... I'd rather be painting.
My mood is NOT elevated in that the bailout which is being bandied about is in the hands of the same folks who are more or less responsible for the carnage of our financial system at the moment and the tried and true methodology of scaring everyone shitless enough bring the panic level to the point that folk will abandon any sense and just allow them to screw us all over again. You'd think after all this time we'd be immune to this bullshit.
Time to pull out the rum...
Outlaw Love
1 day ago