Some folk seem to have got the impression that I hate multihulls as the reaction to my last post has apparently made some pee-in-their-pants pissed off (Sorry about that dude I'm told that a mixture of vinegar and water will fix those pants finest kind!) but that is truly not the case, I simply wonder why so many people who own ( and not just charter) cats use them more like motorboats...I love good multihulls.
But enough of that for the moment and let me point out a really exceptional design for a cat that is somewhat out of the norm yet all the more special as a result.
Bernd Kohler is a designer that has quite a bit of experience designing cats and other vehicles and unlike a lot of designers has actually lived on a boat so understands that simply drawing a boat that sails entails more than just drawing in some beds and saying "Hey Presto" Especially when drawing smaller multihulls...
A friend and I were both talking to Bernd about one of his other designs ( which we will delve into at a later date) which was about the time he came out with his KD860 sort of a every mans small multihull with offshore capability that would not break the bank to build.
Now Bernd has some ideas regarding hull design that are most certainly not mainstream and if you would listen to many his work is somewhat heretical ( MY KIND OF GUY!!!) but as someone who has put a lot of miles on flat bottomed sharpies at least I can vouch for the fact that his hull should work a whole lot better than the detractors say even without the addition of his very interesting anti-vortex panels. speaking of the anti-vortex panels it would seem that there would be great potential using these for Sharpies and other shoal draft monohulls...
While people may argue about his flat bottomed hulls, I can't see how anybody could argue that his designs are as a result very easy and fast to build. If you take anytime to look over the plan you will note that this is a very well thought out and engineered plan...Throw in the fact that they are very affordable to build and you have a seriously winning combination.
Good plans tend to actually have people build them and get built ( Draw it and they will build?) In the case of Bernd's various cat designs there is a very active, informative and helpful yahoo group that makes it all a lot easier.
A Deal with the Devil
18 hours ago