Wednesday, May 11, 2022

playing catchup in a bad mood...

Interesting how Bonnie & Clyde popped up in Moscow, a bande dessinée which might be worth checking out, and in the "One wonders who'd back this sorry group of losers" department...

Maybe it's just me but my list of things to do on "So It Goes" is a lot longer than it should be. Made worse because hurricane season is breathing down my neck and then there's the whole Covid thing still going on.

I'm sure that last comment will engender more than a few emails telling me that Covid is all over but according to the Washington Post the daily average of deaths due to Covid is 260. Throw in that down here in paradise we have an after Carnival surge of cases because some idiots decided to kill the mask mandate right before a few thousand folks get together in an up-close-and-personal-sweaty bacchanalia.

Obviously, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome ain't working.

Which leaves me in a very foul mood which is not how I like to  do needful boat work.

Stay safe.

Listening to Ida Mae

So it goes...